Carbon Conundrum
Climate change is a “super wicked problem”. From the richest country in the world to a small island nation, no one is spared its effects. Scientific data presents a clear picture - the earth is warming, and human actions are the cause. Excessive carbon emission from fossil fuels is the main culprit, but can we cut our ties to carbon while advancing our civilization?
Global carbon emission needs to stop increasing by 2020 in order to keep global temperature rise to less than 2 degrees Celsius within this century. Time Adaptation is no longer enough, mitigation is ever more pressing.
We visit climate scientists, witness the daily struggle with sea level rise on the island of Tuvalu, speak with scientists and researchers behind innovative solutions that could help reduce our reliance on carbon and learn more about how we can tap on nature to fight climate change.
Episodes: 1 x 60 minutes
Languages: English
Production year: 2020