Set in Singapore, Yes Madam is a Chinese-language comedy series centered on Yang Lei ( Oon Shu An) , a Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) regular...
Yes Mdm! 我的军官女友
Part-time actor who first started out as a calefare, Zhong Da Tian (Chew Chor Meng) noticed the indispensability of calefares in the media industry, which...
I Want To Be A Star 小咖大作战
Xavier Ong is a sweet-talking gym instructor who never fails to impress ladies with his flowery words. On every Chinese New Year, this business-minded young...
Hong Baos and Kisses 元宵遇财神
Sharon (Fann Wong) is an independent 40-year-old woman, who is past her prime but still choosey with men. Despite her family’s insistence for her to...
Love Shake 心动
A year after Mo Xiaoyun met with an accident, her left ear starts to hear mysterious sounds: screaming, whispering, singing, moaning, running and sobbing. Initially,...
Mystic Whispers 听
After much effort, Wei Xiong becomes a well-known teppanyaki chef. A young girl, Luo Ling, idolizes him and decides to go after him; she even...
Unexpected Strangers 小心陌生人
WHAT DO MEN WANT is a drama/comedy revolving around two passionate actors searching for truth, love and happiness but usually finding lies, rejection and disillusionment....
What Do Men Want?
96°C Café is set against the backdrop of a homely café, owned by married couple Liqiao (Desmond Tan) and Xijie (Paige Chua). When Xijie meets...
96°C Café (Webisode) 96度C 咖啡(网路剧)
Khloe Wong (Hanli Hoefer), a charismatic but ruthless influencer, engineers a social media scandal to nab a starring role in acclaimed local director Bob Chandra’s...