Justice In The City 庭外和解
Set against a judicial background, this drama follows the lives of two young civil suit lawyers, Qiu Jian Zhi (Shaun Chen) and Zhou Hui Qi (Tong Bing Yu), as they constantly find themselves standing at opposite ends in court. The beginning of a string of cases, the two lawyers are engaged in a divorce case involving an old couple. Liu Guo Dong (Zhang Shui Fa), the disapproving son of the couple, hired Hui Qi to fight the case against his mother, to prevent her from getting any property. The case came to an amicable close, and both parties settle on a fair negotiation; Hui Qi and Jian Zhi grow closer as a result of the proceedings. Little did the young lawyers know that soon, they will be facing Guo Dong in court again. This time, Jian Zhi represents Guo Dong in a case filed against him by Hui Qi, who did so on behalf of her benefactor when she was a child. As the plot unravels, Jian Zhi unearths new knowledge that shocks everyone. More complications ensue with the arrival of Jian Zhi’s problematic ex girlfriend, Le-Er (Lin Pei Qi). Will the love between Hui Qi and Jian Zhi withstand the test of life?
Cast: Tong Bing Yu, Shaun Chen, Emily Lim, Zhang Shui Fa
Episodes: 30 x 60 mins
Languages: Chinese
Production year: 2012