An action-packed drama revolving around the team members of a lifesaving service that patrols and guards the Sentosa beaches and how they deal with their families, relationships and challenges at work and their personal lives. Two new officers - Sufyan and Jenny - upon joining the beach patrol team, have issues. Sufyan faces problems gelling with the team as the team does not respect him, despite his excellent qualification, skills and training background. Jenny, on the other hand, finds it hard to assert her authority and make her mark as she has confidence issues, despite loving her work and knowing how to do it. Sufyan and Jenny have to prove to the team and themselves that they can be part of the beach patrol team and perform to the expectations of the team.

Casts: Imam Shah, Hatta Said, Syirah Jusni, Daniella Sya

Episodes: 13 x 60 mins

Languages: Malay

Production year: 2013, 2014