The Day It Rained On Our Parade 那一年我们淋着雨

In one special scene, during the National Day Parade of 1968, we hear the voice of a woman commenting, “… The heavy rain droplets fell on me… It was really cold … I passed the flag over to the person beside me before I fainted… Anyone can fall but not our flag.” This is a nostalgic drama that features the happenings in Singapore during 1968. This story revolves around 3 kids – Xiao Qiang (Christian Matthew Wong), Fei Zai (Deng Mao Jie) and Mei Lan (Dong Lu Ying) – who are going to participate in the National Day Parade for the first time and how they overcome the various difficulties. It also reflects the neighbourly spirit and how everyone came together regardless of race and religion to make the National Day Celebration a success.


Cast: Chew Chor Meng, Chen Hui Hui, Aileen Tan, Cynthia Koh, Pan Ling Ling, Eelyn Kok, Cai Ping Kai, Priscelia Chan, Ng Hui

Episodes: 4 x 60 mins

Languages: Chinese

Production year: 2012