Emerald Hill, a sequel to the acclaimed drama, The Little Nyonya is set in feudal times where power is centered around men and hierarchical order...
Emerald Hill 小娘惹之翡翠山
Yuan Yingcai, a teacher working at an art school, suddenly commits suicide. His death causes an uproar in the school. He had a promising future...
Devil Behind The Gate 庭外的一角
Yan, 24, relishes reckless freedom when he’s stuck in a time-loop, until he discovers Kai, his 40-year-old manager, is also trapped, desperate to see...
If Tomorrow Comes 再见明天
A murderer Yan Zhenbang leads a group of ex-convicts and Li Zicheng, the son of a hotpot restaurant owner, to work together as they transform...
Another Wok Of Life 人生酱美味
On 2 Dec 1985, the Singapore Stock Exchange shut for three days. Overnight, the shares of Pan-Electric Industries were reduced to nothing, leading to...
Black Thursday
Boxing Day 2004 – A colossal earthquake triggers a massive tsunami that surges across the Indian Ocean, killing hundreds of thousands. The fates of...
The Waves that Changed Us - The Indian Ocean Tsunami 20 Years On
For 400 million years, sharks ruled the oceans. But 50 years of overfishing has brought many species to the edge of extinction. Now, 100...
Rewilding Sharks
What stands as the mightiest weapon in human warfare? Food. In the battlefields, what's the military ration that rallies morale? And in face of...
Wartime Food 战地食谱
Petrol stations are not just for fuelling anymore! Join Taiwanese celebrity chef James Cheng as he rides his motorcycle across Singapore, stopping at petrol...
GAStro Bites by Chef James 詹姆士 喂你加油
King of Culinary is an arena-style cooking competition where amateur chefs pit their mettle against professional chefs. And who are these contestants? Self-trained chefs...
King of Culinary 三把刀
Award-winning actor Christopher Lee is back! Raised in a village, Christopher brings with him indelible childhood memories and exciting life experiences to a nostalgic village...
Dishing With Chris Lee 2 阿顺有煮意 2